Wow. very interesting character. any background story?
Wow. very interesting character. any background story?
With great color comes great confusion
This is a very interesting piece however it is too busy in my opinion. the viewer will most likely gain a headache from trying to make sense of the colorful chaos. Part of me feels that without all the sharp corners the image would be much more pleasing to the eyes
looks awesome. have you tried submitting them as pdf files? I believe pdf has higher resolution though unsure. Still awesomely good pen work
I should try PDF, thanks.
cool takes a lot of skill to do something like those with crayons. there is great value in the shades and highlights.
Thanks TrojanMan, to be more specific, it's done with conte crayons they have a more chalky texture. It's pretty cool to draw with, honestly I didn't think my values would get this good.
a lot better than what I can do duplicating someone's piece.
good use of values. the only thing that seems off is the eyes however that is normally the hardest thing to do in my opinion.
Thanks TrojanMan, yea I'm pretty aware the eyes are kinda off, I was drawing some birds before i did this, I have a feeling that's where the big eyes came from haha.
I would love to be able to create sharp images like this one day. It would take me a full week to comeup with anything close to your work
well in a way I can see ol jack in this image. probably the eyebrows still pretty good work
that's pretty cool dude. beats my attempts
Very interesting monster. almost reminds me of bob in monsters vs aliens
Thank you!
very cool image. layers in photoshop are pretty helpful from what ive discovered. like the over all feel to this image
I'm just your average everyday guy that Wants to learn good art tricks.
Age 37, Male
Joined on 8/24/13