I am a brand spanken new artist who has discovered paint programs are very difficult to learn.
I am trying however and will be posting my work on here over the times. Some may be alot of the same image though slightly changed. this is do to being too lazy to just simply replace the older image. all critiques are welcome. i am very egar to learn new techniques and styles.
Welcome to Newgrounds! :D I think you're off to a great start, I like how you alternate your drawings; adding new effects or more details. It's actually pretty interesting. But best of luck to you and Thank You very much for putting me back into the art portal, I very much appreciate it. (: Looking forward to seeing more work bro.
Thanks :) Im still in the process of learning this computer art and pretty much going back over previous images until i cant think of anything to do. So what happened to get you out of the portal?